The Ultimate Guide to Divorce Mediation

A divorce can be a stressful and emotional situation for everyone involved. However, seeking a divorce mediation in Toronto can help reduce the impact of the divorce process and make things significantly easier for you and your ex-spouse. 

Contrary to popular belief, most people want to avoid the divorce court and let the judge to call the shots about what will happen after the divorce, especially who gets what and which parent the kids will live with. Divorce is especially difficult for couples who have been married for a long time and have acquired properties during their marriage. Although there are daycares in Mount Albert, the parent awarded with child custody may need to put their career on hold to raise the kids. In reality, divorce is not about just dividing everything in half. Most often, it involves various complex factors, such as an inheritance thrown in the mix or stocks that have not yet vested.

Divorce mediation helps you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse get along together so you can both decide how your divorce is going to work—not only for your sake but also for the best of your children, making it a less intrusive option than battling in court.

The process of divorce mediation involves the participation of a neutral third party (an arbitrator), a professional who will act as a mediator while you both find solutions that are mutually beneficial for your issues. The end goal is to make the process as amicable and cost- effective as possible.
Among the issues that are commonly covered by divorce mediation is the distribution of properties, assets, liabilities, child custody, parenting plan, as well as child support, spousal maintenance, pensions, and even tax implications. 

Here is a quick guide to prepare you for a successful divorce:
Break the News Gently
Breaking the divorce news to your spouse or children is never easy, even if you both knew it was coming. When breaking the news, be gentle and compassionate but firm. Do not come into the conversation if you feel angry, frustrated, or putting the blame on your spouse.

● Set Up Ground Rules
In addition to being a stressful and expensive proceeding, the last thing you want to do is to battle out your issues in a public courtroom. To get your spouse on board with mediation, see if both of you can set up and agree to some ground rules and will only consider using the court as a last resort. Having some  ground rules in place can make the process of divorce less overwhelming.

● Strategize
In divorce, you will not know who will win the long and daunting battle. Divorce mediation is not only quicker, but it also puts you in control of the situation. Having a clear picture of your best versus worst-case scenario helps you figure out reasonable and/or fair solutions to your issues.

● Increase Likelihood of a Successful Outcome
If you are reading this, you are most likely a few steps ahead of your ex, but do not stop gathering helpful information on the Internet about tips for a successful mediation to ensure that the process is more productive from start to finish and reach an agreement that is exactly the one you need to set yourself up for the next chapter of your life.

Although mediation offers a number of benefits for you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse, it can be a grueling process. As much as a skilled mediator wants to protect you from all the emotional triggers, working out with a therapist can help you prepare mentally and emotionally. You can
even find and book online therapy sessions like the ones offered by