Rustic Style In Ceramic Tiles

Rustic Style In Ceramic Tiles

Rustic or rustic style is quite a trend in landscape design, interior design, and architecture, which has much in common with rustic style in world culture. Rustic-style ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware are a fairly popular finishing material recently. His fame grew in proportion to the growth in popularity of the country style, which became widespread in the countries of North America and Latin America. The rustic style has always been characterized by rough shapes and lines, deliberate massiveness, and volume. At the same time, there is no other style that brings an element of naturalness and naturalness to the design of a room in such an organic and warm way. The rustic style is the best solution for those who value simplicity, natural brevity, and naturalism in the interior.

Rustica: the art of the conquerors

The emergence and development of the rustic style in architecture, the sphere of activity closest to decoration and renovation, is often associated with the colonial style. The colonial-style took shape in the old Roman Empire in the 3rd century. For the first time, the rustic style as an integral part of the colonial style is found in the ancient Roman settlements of Gaul, the Rhineland, and Great Britain. Buildings were built here, in particular, the temple premises, the foundation of which was practically not processed. From solid natural stone, granite, and less often marble (ceramic tiles were rarely used in ancient Rome), large bars were turned over, which, without preliminary processing, were laid at the base of the foundation and the basement. Of course, this construction method had no name. The current rustic style appeared much later, during the Renaissance.


The Italian, French and Spanish manufacturers of ceramic tiles on the basis of the "rediscovered" rustic style have put not only the ancient Roman archaic but also the so-called "simplified gothic" and the pseudo-Romanesque style. These two styles became widespread in North and South America, as well as in Byzantium, where it was not possible to construct buildings corresponding to all the canons of the Romanesque and Gothic styles.


The 600X1200 mm rustic pgvt tiles decoration of the premises became general in the English colonies in the 18th-19th centuries. The wealthy landowners and industrialists, who did not know much about art, turned to the same masters who were not well versed in interior design. As a result, a mixture of simplified forms of English Gothic, "Dutch Baroque", "Victorian" and "Old English" styles prevailed in architecture, interior design, and furnishings. On the one hand, nostalgia for the comfort of a traditional English house was breathed from the new style, but on the other, the simplicity, naturalism, and a certain roughness of forms heralded the appearance of a new style.

Rustic style in ceramic

The rustic style has long been used mainly in the decoration of semi-antique wooden furniture. Hardwoods were specially cleaned from soft fabrics, small inclusions, "insect passages" were added, as a result, very naturalistic furniture was obtained, which was in perfect harmony with the rustic-style interior.


Ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware in the "rustic" style repeat in many ways the pattern of wood treated in this way. The rough and rough surface of ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the room.


Color plays a special role in choosing rustic-style tiles. Classic stoneware and rustic stoneware, generally green, brown, and dark beige. However, in bright and spacious rooms, rustic white or milky looks no less attractive.


Recently, ceramic parquet (1200x1200 mm wood like tiles) in rustic style has become widespread. Outwardly, it practically does not differ from ordinary oak or ash parquet, however, the indicators of high strength, abrasion, and moisture resistance remind us that under the feet there is not a tree, but ceramic granite.


The abundance of colors and texture solutions, as well as a low price, make ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware in a rustic style available to anyone who wants to make their home truly cozy.